Travilege App

Bilingual Interface

Bilingual Interface

Interface and application support for Arabic and English makes it easy for all users to access and use the system in the preferred users' language.

Multi Currency

Multi Currency

Supporting multiple currencies with customized rates makes it easy and flexible to deal with global vendors and markets.

Cash Flow Management

Cash Flow Management

Get instant access to account balance information, transaction history, and manage liquidity and control your budget and spending.

Targets Management

Targets Management

Get live and accurate sales reports, increase your sales targets, reward your sales team by implementing sales targets.

Tax Reporting

Tax Reporting

Get all your tax report by a click, live and accurate information from your sales system in a multi-format report for any period you specify

SMS Integration

SMS Integration

Communicate with your customers with the latest order status, products update, and payments notifications

Vendors Management

Vendors Management

Manage your vendors, keep track of all purchases and orders, control vendors' invoices, and payments

Customers Realationship Management

Customers Realationship Management

Manage your vendors, keep track of all purchases and orders, control vendors' invoices, and payments

Our Services

Travel Management System

Group Trips
  • Itinerary Management
  • Financial & Cost Analysis
  • Rooming Management
  • Agreement Generation
  • Tour Leaders Access
  • Customers' Data Validationli>
  • Hotels and Airlines Managment
  • Policies Management
  • Special Pricing
Individual Trips
  • Requests Management
  • Dynamic Services Offering
  • Commissions Control
  • Confirmed Services Reporting
  • Direct Vendors Invoicing
  • Visa Requests Follow-up
  • Hot Offers Management
  • SLA Reporting
  • Agreement Preparation

Reservations System

  • Dynamic availability control for any available resources
  • Blockers control to block certain days, holidays, and emergency outage
  • Full control of cancelations policies and cancelations charges based on pricing
  • Ability to add and select additional services with full control over pricing
  • The flexibility of having Multiple resources and resources types
  • Smart slots management with dynamic availability control
  • Multiple services, and reservations products management
  • Ability to control payments policies, advance payments, and security deposit policies
  • Dynamic vouchers and agreements preparation for end customers

Properties Management

  • Can be used by multiple properties type
  • Full control on properties unit availability
  • Policies management and definition
  • Complete property and unit information definition
  • Dynamic pricing control and pricing categories
  • Full reporting on check-in, check-out details
  • Guest management with the ability to add all customers details
  • Extra services definition and pricing control
  • Food and extra services requirements reporting
  • Dynamic vouchers, and agreements preparation
  • Guest Capacity management

Transportation Management

  • Vehicles and vehicles type managements
  • Maintenance history, reminders, and expenses reporting
  • Drivers managements, with full control over drivers availability
  • Smart pricing control for differents trips, periods, and types
  • Trips management and full control over trips requirements
  • Availability reporting and control
  • Ability to add multiple reservations for multiple vehicles
Percent of Happy Customers
Companies Around The World
Years In The Market

Frequent Asked Questions

  • How can I purchase the solution?

    Please get in touch with our sales team, we will make sure to provide you with the best pricing plan for the most suitable features and modules for your business, we have different pricing scheme to make it easier for all companies to digitize their business with the lowest cost possible.

  • Can I integrate with 3rd party applications?

    Yes, our developers can connect OnePoint App with any 3rd party applications provided that they are ready for integration with an available API (Application Program Interface) and availability of clear integration documentation, applications integration may subject to additional cost.

  • Can I subscribe to more than one solution at the same time?

    Definitely, you can subscribe to all solutions that you need for your work, and you can control users access to each feature and module by giving the right roles and permissions.

  • Do you have any limit on number of users, branches?

    No, we provide all our solutions with an unlimited number of users and branches, we do not charge any extra fees per users or branches.

  • Can I share my offering with companies using OnePoint App?

    Definitely, OnePoint App is designed to connect all companies using the same application together to help aligned companies and partners to share and promote the same services and products together **Available in some OnePoint solutions.

  • Will my data be private and safe?

    We take data security seriously at OnePoint. Our servers are hosted in a world-class data center that is protected by 24-hour surveillance and we ensure that our application is always up to date with the latest security patches. All subscriptions come with SSL encryption included keeping your data safe and secure.

  • Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

    No, we do not ask our customers to sign long terms agreement, we keep the freedom to the customer to cancel the agreement with us at any time **Subject to contract terms and condition.

  • What kinds of payment do you accept?

    We accept direct bank transfer, Benefit Pay, Cash, and Bahraini banks issued checks.
